With the pace of change in eCommerce, many small and medium business struggle with managing their front-end and back-end business requirements with a limited staff. Sure, they can add headcount but that cuts back on profitability and with the tight labor market many struggle to find the right people. That’s where nearshoring is a huge advantage, allowing companies to access resources that are either unavailable or cost prohibitive.
Nearshoring refers to leveraging resources in a nearby country to outsource design, development, and marketing tasks. These services are typically used by eCommerce businesses to reduce the cost of required services while still maintaining high-quality standards. Nearshore development enables small and medium size eCommerce companies to access a larger pool of technical talent to bridge their internal staffing constraints, allowing them to be more agile and competitive.
There has been a large growth of Latin American i.e. LATAM-based nearshore providers available now for the US market. The main advantages of nearshore development services include sizeable cost savings, access to a larger talent pool, and improved communication due to cultural familiarity. LATAM enjoys a large, young, college-educated labor force with a high fluency in English and familiarity with the US market, providing high levels of technical, marketing, and business expertise.
Nuevo párrafo
There are other distinct advantages beyond language and culture in leveraging LATAM resources. Alignment with US time zones makes it easy to engage with LATAM resources during normal business hours. This clear and consistent communication between the business and the LATAM resources allows for better project management and execution on eCommerce projects.
LATAM-based resources can scale depending on the needs of the business. Adding headcount is a great option if you have a continual demand for ongoing development. But in many instances, there are downtimes when there aren’t active projects, leaving these highly paid resources sitting idle. Leveraging nearshore resources allows the business to hire resources when they are actively needed and scale back when there is no reason to have them on payroll.
In conclusion, using LATAM Nearshore services is a great way for small and medium eCommerce companies to leverage the resources they need on demand in a cost-effective manner. They can scale design, development, and marketing resources quickly as needed and scale back when these resources aren’t needed. This way, eCommerce businesses can be agile in their use of resources and ensure that they have the resources they need when the demand is high in a cost-effective manner.
United States
1207 Delaware Ave #3647
Wilmington, DE 19806
Costa Rica
Calle 118B San Rafael
San José, SJ 10203
+1 303 888-1639